Urban Mobility and Health Benefits of Urban Ecology

Source: Illustration by Nicolas Bascop (https://www.nicolasbascop.com/)


Cities are a significant polluter and at the same time victim to climate change. A transformation in urban design could contribute to making cities more resilient to climate change effects, while at the same time increase cities’ resourcefulness. In order to bring cities on the path of sustainability, different measures can be taken, that will also substantially increase the livability of our urban spaces. A fairer distribution of urban space between all residents, shifting priorities from cars to public transportation, cyclists and pedestrians, will enhance equalilty, inclusiveness and provide safe space for children to move independently. Strenthening green urban infrastructure will enhance climate-adaptibility, but also intesify the connection between city residents and nature. This connectivity encourages stewardhip for the natural world and can effect in a substantial improvement of mental and physical health. Public spaces that allow interaction will strengthen social cohesion and expand the realm of what we care about. For in-depth information on Urban mobility and Health Benefits of Urban Ecology, read page 37-60 of the curriculum.


With 3 lesson activities you can encourage learners to design sustainable cities. Learners inquire their own expectations and demands for a child-friendly urban environment and finally realize their vision through LEGO-model building. The learners train to reflect upon status quo city building and develop strategies to transform city space to be more child-friendly. Find the activities on page 56-82 of the handbook.


Get inspired by what learners from North-Macedonia, Portugal, Denmark, Cyprus and Germany envisioned for the sustainable city of the future. Visit our Gallery for models built with LEGO bricks showing results from our activities conducted in the past. If you have used the activities for your lessons and want to inspire others, you are welcome to contribute to the gallery. Send your pictures with information on which activity you did in what context to - activity@youngsters4ecocities.eu .


Test your knowledge on the topic with our quiz. For self-assessment try to answer the questions before and after reading the complete module.